I knew this girl who was so annoying, textually, that she literally drowned in sappy emoticoms.
I'm not saying you should stop using emoticoms entirely, I'm just begging you to tone it down a little; your life may depend on it :-(
This is question #2 from the webpage Can't think of a blog post: Here's 100 suggestions.
The last time I laughed was over breakfast, at one of my usual morning places, over the obituaries in the morning paper.
My whole family have always been obit readers; probably because my parents always read them as we kids were growing up. We're always asking one another, Did you see that he or she died? and what have you. The main reason I read them, is that you can often find something funny in them, believe it or not.
For instance, whoever wrote this lady who shall go unnamed's obituary, probably some close family member, mentioned that, among the handful of things she "absolutely loved" in life were Elvis impersonators & cream gravy. That struck me as funny & I laughed. You see, an obituary is no inexpensive thing, and to list these two things among the dearly departed's few great loves in life cost a pretty penny, no doubt. Now I think Elvis mimics & gravy are great things, and that this dead lady was probably great too, but I just wish she had gotten out more.
Another part of the question was what laughter means to me. I think it means that I'm still alive & still have a reason to go on; after all, they say fifteen minutes of laughter equal one night's sleep, so I think it's good for what ails me. Hardyharhar!
We, my brother & sisters & I, all thought my mom would go first because she's lived in an Alzheimer's facility for years now & is as frail as can be. His going to see mom probably just wore Dad down. I was taking him every day to sit with her; he would stay from about 10:00AM to 2:00PM, when I would go back & pick him up.
Other things weighed on Dad--his cancer, strokes, old age (85), fretting about Mom. When he got very bad off, it was only a matter of a few days until he was gone. Fortunately, the doctors were able to tell us when his last day would be, so we all got to be by his bedside for hours & hours. He kept his good sense & good sense of humor up to the last, until they boosted his morphine, which left him pretty much sleeping until he passed peacefully away just after midnight.
That's the last time I cried. What about you?
I didn't know what to blog about today. I found a page that gives you 100 blog ideas. This was number one on that list. I knew it would be difficult reliving that sad night in October.
Pic shows Dad being silly in his Italian World War II helmet. This shows his typical expression--a little smile. He was always in a good mood.