Friday, November 28, 2014

Why I do not own a cell phone

We no longer lead lives of quiet desperation--sorry, Henry David Thoreau, but your old saw is no longer so.

These days, the sum total of existence for most of us is having a cell phone pressed up to our nose or ear at all times. Oh, and aren't they beautifully formed and colored; so much so, many of us will replace our current one with another, later model, even more current and fashionable, long before it has used up its usefulness,or uselessness, depending on your viewpoint. Life is sweet, getting another one of these must-haves; so, off to the electronics store we go . . . but not to Radio Shack, of course.

That's what we've come to, being obsessed with these gadgets. So why do I not own a cell phone? That's easy: someone might call.


Monday, October 27, 2014

Economics - the User's Guide

Author Ha-Joon Chang

explains how the global economy actually works—in real-world terms. Writing with irreverent wit, a deep knowledge of history, and a disregard for conventional economic pieties, Chang offers insights that will never be found in the textbooks. (

Never pedagogic or condescending to the reader, Chang discusses in everyday language what is found by many people to be a most perplexing subject. You are sure to find the topic of economics less daunting after this rather easy read. Reserve your discounted copy and see dozens of reviews before purchasing.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Everyone's Favorite Halloween Treat

It's never too early to save money on holidays, like Halloween. At some discount store I snagged some of those generic little candies in the nondescript orange or black wrappers--everybody's favorite to receive in their candy bag! (See image above.) I tried to squeeze one, and it felt pretty hard and didn't give to my fingers' pressing at all, but they should be all right; maybe if the kids soak them in water for a while, then the wrappers might come off completely, too.

I also got some of those lovely candy orange slices that are glazed in sugar. (See image above.) Who doesn't love getting a sackful of those?! These must be kind of old, because they're not individually wrapped, the way they wrap them nowadays, but instead are all stuck together in one big -- but tasty! -- amorphous blob. Still, they should be okay . . .

I know that the children reading this are probably thinking, "I can't wait to go by this guy's house for some of these treats!," but man, this is some real cheap sh_t I got for less than a buck.

Roam home

Monday, October 20, 2014

The Smartest Kids in the World

Why aren't the smartest kids in the world American? Time journalist Amanda Ripley tries to answer that question in her important work The Smartest Kids in the World and How They Got That Way.

Discover how certain countries which used to produce functional dunces are now outperforming the USA when it comes to educating their young.

Get your discounted copy & hundreds of reviews


Saturday, October 18, 2014

7 Benefits of Turmeric

First of all, do no harm

Health Benefits of Turmeric and its Key Component, Curcumin

  • May delay aging

  • As effective as Prozac in easing depression

  • Increases bile to break down fats, which may help you lose weight

  • A natural anti-inflammatory that can help arthritis and pesky wounds that just won't seem to heal, all without the toxicity possible from using prescription drugs

  • Combats degenerative processes in the brain and may help with such conditions as Alzheimer’s disease

  • Positive antioxidant effects

  • Maybe most important of all . . . the ability to prevent cancer, the possible cessation of it or preventing its spreading

    Reserve your discounted bottle & see over 2,500 reviews

    I am not a doctor. Consult with your doctor before beginning a regimen of Turmeric and its key component, Curcumin.
    Author cannnot be held responsible for loss of life or limb under any circumstances due to this information.

