Friday, November 28, 2014

Why I do not own a cell phone

We no longer lead lives of quiet desperation--sorry, Henry David Thoreau, but your old saw is no longer so.

These days, the sum total of existence for most of us is having a cell phone pressed up to our nose or ear at all times. Oh, and aren't they beautifully formed and colored; so much so, many of us will replace our current one with another, later model, even more current and fashionable, long before it has used up its usefulness,or uselessness, depending on your viewpoint. Life is sweet, getting another one of these must-haves; so, off to the electronics store we go . . . but not to Radio Shack, of course.

That's what we've come to, being obsessed with these gadgets. So why do I not own a cell phone? That's easy: someone might call.


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